Friday, July 20, 2007

Loving Arabs

Turning the other cheek and loving my enemies.

Recently, while at IHOP in Kansas City I was asked on two occasions about my thoughts on turning the other cheek and loving my enemies. They wanted to know from my perspective what it all looks like in my life and for deeper insight to what it meant to the Jews who lived 2,000 years ago.
My friend who is about to get married asked if I thought if it was ok to buy a gun incase something should happen that he would need to defend his family. His fiancé doesn’t like the idea too much because of the verses that talk about turning the other cheek. Is Yashua referring to not defending your family in Matthew 5:38-48? Or have most us been taught this out of the context of the times Israel was living in during the Roman occupation? Do we sometimes generalize the Scriptures to apply them because we have ignorance to the historical context of which everything was written in? How many times do we believe a teaching or a commentary without searching to see if it is entirely true? How often do I read and know the Scriptures well enough to recognize when half-truths are spoken?
“You have heard that our Fathers were told, ‘Eye for an eye and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you not to stand up against someone who does you wrong. On the contrary, if someone hits you on the right cheek, let him hit you on the left cheek too! If someone wants to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat as well! And if a soldier forces you to carry his pack for one mile, carry it for two! When someone asks you for something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something from you, lend it to him.”
Matthew 5:38-42
In the time that Yashua was teaching this, Israel had many enemy nations. To give more of a historical context, this was during the Roman occupation in Israel. Not too long before this, the Greeks tried to occupy and bring Hellenism (making Jews into Greeks). To go even further back the Assyrians and Babylonians took Israel and Judah into captivity. So Israel had many enemies by this time. “And if a soldier forces you to carry his pack for one mile,…” is referring to the unjust treatment of the Jews by the Roman soldiers. It is not saying if a soldier of your own country, Israel, asks you carry his pack. Jews help Jews for the most part. Jews didn’t help Romans back then because they were considered unclean pigs occupying the Land that was given to us by God.
What is being taught is coming in a spirit of love towards the ones who hate us, rather than engaging with evil hate. He is not saying do not practice self defense or blocking a punch is bad. For me, when I saw an old Jewish man almost get intentionally run over by two Arab men and I chose not to harbor bitterness in my heart, that is turning the other cheek. My friend and I were able to grab the old man and pull him to safety with the danger of being hit ourselves. When the two men parked their car, that displayed the Palestinian flag, they just laughed at what just happened. I wanted to kick there ass so badly, but I chose to forgive my enemies right in front of them. I would have had no problem taking both of them down, but I want to learn to love my enemies.
I call them my enemies because the Muslims have pronounced the Jewish people and the Christians their enemies. I don’t want them to be my enemy, but they have positioned themselves to be so. By Muslims, I do not mean all Arabs in the world. Islam hates Israel and all the Jews living in other nations. The Muslim nations verbally profess their hatred and intent on destroying the Land and People of Israel.
“You have heard that our Fathers were told, ‘Love your neighbor - and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! Then you will become children of your Father in Heaven. For he makes his sun shine on good and bad people alike, and he sends rain to the righteous and the unrighteous alike. What reward do you get if you love only those who love you? Why, even tax collectors do that! And if you are friendly only to your friends, are you doing anything out of the ordinary? Even the Goyim (Gentile Nations) do that! Therefore, be perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
Matthew 5:43-48
When the Muslims blow themselves up to kill my people, my cousins, and my friends it makes it so hard to forgive them, let alone love them. In no way am I condoning terrorist attacks! I am merely speaking of my own hearts condition. When they do us harm I have two choices for my heart. The first choice is to hate them back and give back to them what they have given me. The second choice is to choose to forgive so that I have no bitterness in my heart before the God of Israel. This doesn’t mean I can’t do whatever it takes to prevent and protect the people or myself from allowing such atrocities to happen again. I want to be apart of the holy ones who learn to love their enemies, rooted and grounded in love. May they see the love of God in me that can bring them to righteousness.
“…For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will not forgive yours.”
Matthew 6:14 & 15
When someone cuts me off while driving down the freeway or starts rumors about me, I must forgive them. My negative reaction to other people’s choices does not make them my enemy. Bitterness towards an individual or group of people does not qualify them as my enemies. My own bitterness is my responsibility to take care of; and it is not dependant on others ability to apologize or seek restoration. I forgive so that when Daddy God looks at my heart he will find me clean and upright before him.
God heard the boy’s voice, and the angel of God called to Hagar from Heaven and said to her, “What’s wrong with you Hagar? Do not be afraid, because God has heard the voice of the boy in his present situation. Get up, lift the boy up, and hold him tightly in your hand, because I am going to make him a great nation.” Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. So she went , filled the skin with water and gave the boy water to drink.
Bresheet (Genesis) 21:17-19
I believe wholeheartedly that the God of Israel not only loves Israel but also the Arabs. Many of them are also descendants of Abraham through Ishmael. Hagar the mother of Ishmael was given a promise that her son would be a great nation. That promise has been kept in spite of their current spiritual condition.
On that day there will be an alter to Yahweh in the middle of the land of Egypt, as well as a standing-stone for Yahweh at its border. It will be a sign and witness to Yahweh of Armies in the land of Egypt; so that when they cry out to Yahweh for help because of their oppressors, he will send a savior to defend and rescue them.
Yahweh will make himself known to Egypt; on that day, the Egyptians will know Yahweh. They will worship him with sacrifices and offerings, they will make vows to Yahweh and keep them. Yet Yahweh will strike Egypt, both striking and healing, so they will return to Yahweh. He will listen to their prayers, and he will heal them.
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 19:19-22
I have been privileged to become friends with a wonderful Egyptian named Amy. She is in love with Yashua and a true friend. It has been great to see Holy Spirit working in both of us. It is through this friendship that I have learned to love the Arabs more than before and see God’s heart for restoration towards them. It has been so healthy for us both, as Jew and Arab, walking in unity. We both have dealt with the deep rooted issues of hurt, bitterness, anger, and hatred towards the others race. Through the God of Shalom, we have experienced genuine reconciliation and love. I am so thankful for Amy. I can see so much hope for a spiritual awakening for the Arab nations to turn to the God of Israel. It is on God’s agenda as we can see biblically. Abba loves my friend Amy and her people. If my Abba loves Amy’s people that much to bring them to Him, then why wouldn’t I love them too. This I know, Amy is not only going to change her nation (Canada) by helping to bring righteous laws and decisions but also in Egypt that will affect the entire Middle East.

I choose love over anything else.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kansas City IHOP Day 2,3,4,5 ect....

Well, I am back in Redding after this amazing adventure Erika and I had.
I pretty much spent as much time as I could in the Prayer Room at IHOP (International House Of Prayer).
We drove to Nashville with the "Sisters" for 9 hours.

It is hard to describe The Call because it seriously was so amazing.

I feel almost speechless because I can truly say I am more in love with Yashua than before. I experienced so many great things. I was blessed to become friends with some truly wonderful people. Erika and I discussed how blessed we are to be able to have such an adventure.

We got to meet people and go to places most people will never get to go. I am in awe right now because of the tornado of great events that took place this past week. I fasted and prayed for one day and God heard me. My brother is healed!!!! I was given a sign that I have been waiting for years to see. I was amazed that Abba used four humble young men out of the blue to give me the sign. This sign is a marking point that an Awakening in Israel is coming very soon!
It was beautiful to see an entire segment of The Call was set aside for praying for Israel. That was made me cry because 10 years ago that kind of stuff didn't happen like that.

I also enjoy seeing how many people tried to get close and stand next to me in prayer room because I was wearing my Jewish stuff. hahahaha!

I am also putting more pictures of the trip in an album so check it out! Some are Hilarious!!!!!

Yashua is returning soon! He isn't staying in Heaven forever! Don't pretend like he is!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Looking to Zion

Right now in my life many issues, situations, and people are floooding my mind. Most of which are good and exciting things. I am feeling stressed out and yet I also feel excited. My friends are amazing people and I pray for them often.

Right now I am thanking God that some are pregnant because he heard our prayers, and I am grieving with others who desire to be. I am rejoicing over promotions for some of us and at the same time hoping for a better tomorrow for others. One thing I do know from my life history is that the God of my ancestors, my God, is faithful and will bring his goodness in due time. He is faithful even when it is hard to trust Him. Sometimes my situation is so horrendous that I cannot see above it. Thankfully I know that hard times is not forever. Going through it sucks though.

I am currently trying my best to not loose a very close friend who is like a brother to me. It is hard when they don't understand that you are hurt. I spoke with Abba and His advice was to deal with the hurt between Him and I, and just be my brothers friend. Even if it hurts, just deal with it and keep standing strong. Eventually, he'll get healed and I have an opportunity right now to look past the current situation and see the victory ahead of us.

I desire to be rooted and grounded in love.

I choose to stand with my friends and family through the glorious and through the horror. I will look to Zion, to Jerusalem where my help,wisdom, strength, and beloved comes from. Love may not always look pretty or be in a state of denial. Love is real and honest.

If I love my Yashua, then I must love His people, Jew and Gentile alike.

I Look to the God of Israel for wisdome, advice, and in learning. My relationship with Him is what lasts in Eternity. I eagerly await Messiah's Return!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Scooter Gang with Trisha Wheeler

The Scooters

So pretty much I have been introduced to the new coolest thing to come to Redding. I have joined the Scooter Gang of Redding. Anthony, Trisha, Tiffany, and I all went Scooting/Skateboarding/Bicycling down a dark road out in the middle of nowhere here in Redding. It was so much fun! You could go super fast or hold onto the brakes to adjust your speed. If you didn't already know, Redding only has so much to do, so we make do. If you live here you should try it and have a blast. I guarantee it!! Trisha also has a pretty red bike!

Buck! Buck! Anyone?

OK so I HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY PLAYED THIS GAME. This game apparently is played amongst the youth (college kids) or the like. It was explained to us and I caught it on film. This game is actually called BUCK BUCK. Enjoy!


This was the game of the week and I have to say a few things about it, in words and pictures:

1.) This is a very thrilling and stimulating game.

2.) I for whatever reason used the green chips.

3.) Tiffany is a great Sequence partner.

Lengua burritos

I must say I was very impressed by Anthony when he agreed to eat Lengua Burritos from a real Mexican Restaurant (Fat Burrito). If you are wondering what a lengua burrito is, it is a cow tongue burrito. I have eaten them since I was a kid. It tastes like very tender meet and is sliced into small pieces. I didn't trick Anthony, but I have given it to other people before and they say it is the best burrito they have ever had. Once I tell them they get grossed out due to lack of their dark skin color.

Tall coconut steamers

For some reason I kept going to Starbucks 3 times a day last week. By the third time it was late and I needed a non-coffee drink. Coconut streamers are great. It doesn't taste like milk to me.

Week full of new friends

I also made some great Great new friends this week and I reconnected with Great friends too! I love my friends!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm in Love Part II

Radical People

Some people are called to night and day worship with praying and fasting. Others simply are not. Every believer should pray and fast on some level, whether or not it is day and night is to be determined by each individual. There are people who are called as watchmen on the walls of the physical city of Jerusalem (Isaiah 62). There job is to give God no rest until that city becomes a praise in the Earth (Isaiah 62:6-7). The radical people are both Israelis and Gentile believers. Currently, there are 3 houses of prayer in Jerusalem. Yashua (Jesus) is coming and they are getting The Land (Israel) ready for Him. Their gaze has been affixed to the Beauty of the Man, Christ Yashua. All of Israel will be saved. Not some of Israel, but all of the Physical who are also the Spiritual People of Israel (Romans 11: 26-27) will be saved. There are thousands of people who fast one day of every week to pray for the salvation of Israel.

I have heard of two older ladies who are gentile believers that live in Jerusalem. They are modern day Hannah's (Anna, from Luke 2:36-38) who are praying at the Western Wall of Jerusalem. They are there doing the real call of Hannah. The Spirit and the Bride say, "COME!" They are satisfying the longing inside their soul. This longing is the soul missing the Bridegroom. He is coming and we are saying in union with Holy Spirit, COME!!

"Just one thing have I asked of Yahweh; only this will I seek: to live in the house of Yahweh all the days of my life, to see the beauty of Yahweh and visit in his temple." Psalms 27:4

Come in a rush my beloved! I am Yours and You are mine! Don't take too long!

Another women who also lives in Jerusalem is called to be celibate for life. When meeting her it is so obvious that she belongs to her King and no one else. Her love is electrifying for the God of Heaven. An Israeli young man is walking in a level of intimacy with Yashua that it is causing the most religious to seek Yashua. His life is drawing the people of Israel back to their God.

Be without offense! Don't be caught offended. It is not worth it. When He comes don't be offended. Don't walk away out of offense because one can miss the mark, knowing and walking with Yashua. It's not worth being offended by the God of Israel.

Not everyone is called to do something like this.

To those that are "Give Him no rest" and "Don't keep silent" until our Beautiful King is ruling from Jerusalem.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm in Love - Part I

Radical Prayer

I was just in Kansas City at IHOP (International House of Prayer) for the Israel Mandate. Something in me was in a sense re-awakened. Five minutes in the prayer room did it for me. I remembered what is mine. Before I moved to Redding, I was apart of a large group of people from all over the world who radically sought after intimacy with Yashua (Jesus). Almost all were from my generation. Praying 5 to 10 hours a day and fasting is normal. Night and day prayer is the culture. I came to Redding and learned how to live a supernatural life, the normal life every believer should have. Both cultures are different parts of the global work Holy Spirit is doing in the Earth to make ready the Bride for the return of the coming reigning King, the Son of David.

Hannah (Anna) worshipped night and day in Temple, fasting and praying. Luke 2: 36-38 There are people who are modern day Hannah's who worship the God of Israel day and night, fasting and praying. There whole lives have been completely changed to do this. Actually there are thousands who are doing this, mainly young people. They are preparing for the coming of Messiah. He is coming back to physical Jerusalem on the Mt. of Olives. Read Revelations.

They are even people in this young generation who are watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, Israel who give God no rest until they see the Holy City of Jerusalem -the actual place- a praise in the Earth again. Holy Spirit is raising up young Israeli believers in Yashua to restore the Apostolic and prophetic ministry in Israel today, right now. If you want God's heart ask for a supernatural love to be given to you for His chosen People Israel and for Jerusalem. Every believer should pray and love Israel; it is VERY Biblical. It's not a general love as if for any other country.

Let your hearts affections be turned to Yashua in this hour. Gaze and affix your eyes on his beauty and delight in it. Seek Him and know him with intimacy. He is the one I am after!! Don't loose the love you had at first. A ministry I was involved in received a prophetic word from a real prophet. That ministry rebuked the prophet for saying that they were like the church in Ephesus who lost the love that they had at first. I realize now how correct the prophet was. That ministry should be commended for there great works but they have forgotten intimacy. Many involved with that ministry are close friends who truly love Yashua. I am thankful for the equipping and now I must be lost in intimacy with my Maker!

"I am in love with God and He is in love with me. That settles it, COMPLETELY!" -Misty Edwards


Mike Bickle this past week said something that helped me out a bunch. He said, "It's OK to have a desire to pray night and day to Yashua. You can be radical in intimacy with Yashua and it's good. There are other people like you."

That's me! It's something deep inside that I cannot hide or keep silent before my God. I am going to be lost in intimacy and love, knowing and walking with Yashua. If you can't find me it's because I am lost in Yashua's Chesed (Hebrew: unfailing love, never ending, without conditions, merciful grace, forever love).

I had a dream the last night in Kansas City. What happened was this: I finally stopped and told the Crowned King Yashua, I am in love with you! He said, " I have been waiting a long time for you to finally admit it." I have told Him that I love him and that I was in love with him. The point was this: I can love someone, yet not be in love or really know them. I love my uncle from deep in my heart but how much do I actually know him personally. Sometimes we can love Yashua but not be in love.

BE In Love with the One who is coming with a fiery wrath to avenge Israel. Do what it takes to prepare yourself for Him. Get things ready in the Earth. I don't believe He is coming tomorrow or anytime soon, but I'm a watchman like Hannah. Night and Day! I'm not pretending any longer. I pray. I don't pray to get things. I pray to Yashua and have intimacy with Him, for no other reason than relationship as my goal.

Get in on your life as a believer in Yashua and what Holy Spirit is doing right now.

PS. I want to marry a women who prays. How sexy is that! Her focus is Yashua having intimacy with Him!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Pirates and Rollercoasters!

This is weekend was by far a great start to the beginning of the greatest Feast of God to His people Israel, or at least in my opinion. For those of you that do not know Passover starts tonight April 2, 2007 (Nisan 14, 5767) at sundown. It is an 8 day long feast when we "remember" how God brought us out of Egypt and made an "everlasting covenant" with the people of Israel "through every generation."

Let's recap the weekend starting Friday.


I woke up this morning to attend a delicious breakfast directed and produced by Erika, Mj, and Rebeccah. It was so much fun to eat good food with so many friends. Danny and Katelyn made a guest appearance as well.

Then, I read my Jerusalem book that I am really into right now.

Shortly after, I started my journey to the state that I dislike....Oregon. It was Ashley's 22 Birthday and it was a pirate theme. There was so much dancing and so many pirates! It was a lot of fun. One very attractive girl didn't even come dressed as a pirate. She pretended to be a guy and was very convincing at times. This added to the good times. I enjoyed catching up with my distant cousins, Ashley and Sasha. If you were not there you missed out. If you were not to be you!

I will never look at those two Jewish sisters the same again! Ha Ha Ha

The Beach!

Today involved much driving to Santa Cruz. When we finally made it.......I really like the beach and the ocean. It's where I grew up. Many memories filled my head as fun times came upon all who were there.

Great America

Dustin, Mj, Erika, Joshua, Drew, Bekah, Amanda, Shane (Erika's Mom), and I started off our day with Top gun the ride. We then went on every fun and fast ride there is. We went on Drop zone like 6 to 8 times. The lines were so short and sometimes nonexistent so we rode the rides multiple times.

The most thrilling ride I went on was this giant swing through a large metal arch. Erika, Drew, and myself were dropped from 153 feet strapped in a harness connected to a cable. Drew laughed the whole time we were being lifted as I was using emergency tongues and saying, "Oh God!" All 3 of us were connected to each other as Erika and I was scared shitless. I would gladly do it again. I also recommend it to anyone....well maybe not everyone like my Grace Payne....she's a little girl. They are also going to use the picture that they took of us as a display picture for the ride because we all have great hair and are very pleasant to look at.

We rode so many rides that a few of us felt sick, including myself. I got over it fast though.

This weekend was a blast!!!!

Thanks to all who were apart of it!!!